
Welcome to
Lower Clapton General Practice

Fantastic News!

We have moved to our new building! We look forwards to seeing you there.


The Portico, 34 Linscott Road, E5 0RD.

Here’s a map of how to get there:


Here are some FAQs:


Please do leave a review of our practice, either on Google, Care Opinion, or nhs.uk

Filming the move

Non-urgent advice: Zero Tolerance Policy

Lower Clapton General Practice supports the NHS zero tolerance policy of all violence and aggression.

The practice recognises that there can be contributory reasons for patients behaving in difficult or challenging ways, however, where this tips over into aggression or violence, the practice will adopt a zero tolerance approach.

Learn More

Non-urgent advice: Teaching Practice

We are proud to be a teaching, training and research practice. You may be asked if a student/trainee can sit in during your consultation or be contacted to take part in research which can offer additional services/better patient care in the local area.

Online services allow you to:

  • book, check or cancel appointments with a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional 
  • order repeat prescriptions
  • see parts of your health record, including information about medicines, vaccinations and test results
  • see communications between your GP surgery and other services, such as hospitals
Quote / Testimonial:

Care Opinion

Please do leave a review here or on Google
Please click here to fill out a care opinion form. This helps us grow and improve as a practice.